Digital Disruption- How Artificial Intelligence (AI) is Transforming Our Companies

On Monday morning, we took the bullet train from Tokyo to Okayama to participate in the conference on “How Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming our companies” held at Okayama, Japan. The conference was organized by Mr. Hajime Suzuki, who is leading the Kibi Innovation Hills Development in Okayama, Japan and the speaker of the event was Mr. Michael Vernon Robinson, an American automobile designer, who is currently the CEO and design director of ED Design in Turin, Italy, and a former Design Director at Fiat and Lancia.

Apr. 09, 2019 - Array

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Mr. Robinson specifically categorize the Artificial Intelligence (AI) into three categories namely; i). Artificial Narrow Intelligence  (ANI) which means intelligence “Specialised on doing one task”, ii). Artificial General Intelligence (AGN)- “When the computer reaches the human brain” and iii). Artificial Super Intelligence (ASN)- “All brains in the world”.

According to Mr. Robinson, there are four major areas in a company and let us know what those four areas are. They are the following:

  1. Digital Management    2. Unprecedented  levels of User Experience   3. Unprecedented levels of Quality Efficiency  4. Digital Marketing


By Digital Management, he means AI in design thinking will bring more solutions faster using emotions and customer data.

In the area of Unprecedented level of User Experience, AI will empower Innovators offering human augmentation. If we talk AI in fast fashion industry today, then Can AI pick the runway trends? It all depends on how much thousands of outfits are boiled down to a couple of hundred new looks in AI. He presented the fact that when we combine 15,000 corporate, 6,00,000 runways and 1,00,000 fabric patterns then it leads to a unique design product.

In the area of unprecedented levels of Quality efficiency, Mr. Robinson talked about how B2C is becoming C2B now, a product push today to product pull tomorrow. Augmented Realities (AR) gives human superpowers and we need to think what do we want, whether Robotized Humans or Humanatized Robot.

Mr. Robinson says, “You can’t manage what you can’t measure” and therefore he gives importance to the fact that realtime factory data collection captures a goldmine of informations that can improve operational performance.

By Digital Marketing, he means all in social communications, unprecedented levels to customer fidelity, think of one to one marketing and focus on buyers persona, that is, customer profiling.

The following conclusions that can be made by Michael’s speech are:

i). The four areas of AI in the company are connected.

ii). AI is rapidly developing new operational applications.

iii). AI is still in its early, premature stage but this is the best time to experiment it.

iv). Those that decide not to embrace this new digital era will be left behind.

v). Convinced CEOs must convince their employees.

Okayama, Japan

It was a great experience for me to attend such an awesome conference and listen to such a creative and dynamic personality like Mr. Robinson.

I enjoyed a lot having dinner with great visionaries like Mr. Robinson, Mr. Hajime Suzuki and Ms Kayoko Tsuchiya; and we discussed for a long time how Japan, India and other countries together can collaborate and contribute in cross border innovations.

The learning I received from Mr. Robinson is that always think of crazy ideas and never fear of  making mistakes because,

“The fear of making mistakes is the biggest roadblock to creativity and innovation.”

This article is prepared by Mr. Awesh Kumar, an Associate Innovation Researcher at Seekers Base Japan.